Welcome to the Secret Page of in association with Moulin Riche X

That you are here means you have won or have interest in getting the unique NFT made by MR. X! 

This NFT stands for your online token for certification that you are the owner of the artwork. You can choose sending the artwork to you or you can choose to send it to a museum/art gallery to display. We have multiple choices for museum and galleries all around the world.


You are the owner of a 1/1 hand drawn NFT by MR X! 

Who is MR X:
MR X is a talented artist who has made some fortune with Crypto and Art, these combines the new form of art in the form of Digital Art. MR X is a digital artist who is unknown at the moment and prefers to stat unknown until the time is right.

Why are we at this store?
MR X choose us out of 100's op applicants to sell artworks on, we think that because of our unique position we are chosen to do this together with Moulin Riche X.

 Felix on the wall  Stuck Sofa